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Principal's Welcome

Achieving Excellence Together

Our vision at Hadrian Academy is to provide a school of excellence where every child is encouraged and supported to reach their potential.

Learning is at the heart of everything we do. Our dedicated, supportive staff immerse our pupils in a learning culture: encouraging pupils to be ambitious, resilient, creative, kind and honest role models while always keeping the school rules of ready, respectful and safe. 

The education and welfare of our children is paramount, and I’m proud of how hard all our staff and governors work to build positive relationships and deliver a high-quality education.

The quality of the education we provide was made clear by our 2022 results. Our teachers and support staff maintained their exceptional standards for teaching and pastoral care throughout the challenging years of the pandemic, leading to our best ever progress results in year 6 SATs in summer 2022. We are so proud of the children who worked very hard to achieve our high expectations for them.

In addition to our varied and ambitious curriculum, pupils have the opportunity to broaden their interests through the Arts and wide range of extra-curricular clubs. In recent years, the school has achieved the following accreditations:

- Sing-Up Platinum Award
- School Games Mark Gold
- Arts Mark Gold Award

I hope you enjoy your visit to our website and that you will re-visit it regularly to keep up to date with our latest news.

Please contact us to arrange an individual visit.  You will be warmly welcomed.

Ross Griffin – Principal


Image of Principal and children